Antoniotti Odilio e Mattia

Italy / Bramaterra~Piedmont

Producer Info

Mattia Antoniotti works alongside his father Odilio & madre Piera at this 19th century cantina, dating back to 1863.  They are situated in the northern Alto Piemonte village of Casa del Bosco, in the provincia of Vercelli, that form part of the 28-hectare region of Bramaterra among the pre-Alps, surrounded by woodland. They farm circa 6 hectares of Nebbiolo, Croatina, Vespolina and Uva Rara vines, the fruit of which Odilio first bottled in 1970. First documented in 1447, Bramaterra was awarded the DOC in 1979; it was known as the ‘vino dei Canonici’ due to its popularity among the Vercellese clergy.

The Bramaterra DOC rules that there must be a maximum of 80% Nebbiolo (Spanna) in Bramaterra; Mattia believes that the addition of the other grape varieties gives a more balanced & expression of territory. Indeed they both approve of the latest, 2023 proposal to allow between 70-90% Nebbiolo in the final Bramaterra DOC blend, but stop short of 100%. Currently their Martinazzi vyd is planted to 78% Nebbiolo, complanted with the other three varieties.

The soils are essentially volcanic porphyry – issue of the Valsesia supervolcano 280million yrs ago – along with veins of rose quartz and caolino limestone; soils that are more acidic and richer in minerals but less fertile than the soils of the Langhe, producing perfumed yet modest alcohol wines; their fresh, high acid structures due to the northern latitudes, the proximity of the Alps, & the abundant woodland that surround the vineyards (but which are the refuge of plundering deer, boar, & badgers!) The fruit is co-fermented in cement, stainless-steel and Slavonian & French oak botte.

2020 saw the completion of a new bottle store extension of the cantina, while vintage 2022 will see the release of their first Bramaterra vigna Martinazzi, from the family’s historical cru dating back to 1863.

> Organic, uncertified


‘Pramartel’ Vino Rosso

Nebbiolo Costa della Sesia


