Poggio Paolo Giuseppe Az. Agr.

Italy / Tortona~Piedmont

Producer Info

High up the Val Curone valley, at the entrance to the comune of Brignano-Frascata, with vines at circa 300m asl among the Colli Tortonesi on calcareous clay (marne sant’agata fossili) soils, the Poggio family is now on its fourth generation with the return of figlio Matteo from his vinous travels in Gennaio 2024. He follows in the footsteps of bisnonno Giuseppe, nonno Desiderio (‘Derio’), e padre Paolo.

In the early 1900s, Giuseppe Poggio began selling ‘vino bianco‘ to Swiss & German customers. The family first planted Timorasso in 1989, using the family’s plant material dating back 100 years. In the 1990s it was Giuseppe’s grandson Paolo who recognized the potential of Timorasso, a variety tightly linked to their territorio, & who initiated the first commercial bottlings. Paolo also began replanting the 15ha estate in 2008 & then in 2020.

They vinify their (Derthona) Timorasso in stainless-steel, allowing the wines to go through malolactic fermentation & then bottling the new vintage 12 months after the harvest, in September. From vintage 2022 they have released tiny quantities of 1989-planted Timorasso ‘Ronchetto’ that enjoys a further year in bt prior to release.

They also produce small quantities of Croatina, Barbera, & Cortese.


Derthona Colli Tortonesi Timorasso

Derthona Colli Tortonesi Timorasso ‘Ronchetto’

Colli Tortonesi Croatina ‘Prosone’

Vino Bianco ‘Campogallo’